I Help Creative Entrepreneurs Bring Their Biggest Ideas to Life.

Feeling Stuck? Overwhelmed? Indecisive? Unproductive?

Not following through on the big, entrepreneurial goals you "say" you want to achieve?

Jeff Fajans - Domestika Instructor

Don't let your most meaningful & impactful work die inside your mind.

It's time to make your boldest ideas actually happen.

I'll help you experience consistent creative momentum, accelerate your results, and reach your next level of creative success.

You ready?


Founder Institute Logo - Jeff Fajans coaching
Domestika - Jeff Fajans Creativity Coach and Professor
LinkedIn Learning Instructor - Jeff Fajans Creativity Coach and Productivity Expert
Sundance Film Festival - Jeff Fajans Creative Coach
leader Development client at dropbox
XPRIZE - Jeff Fajans Creativity and Innovation Culture Expert
NYU Logo - Client Jeff Fajans Coaching


Get My Free Guide:

Bigger, Better, Bolder: Designing Your Best Year Yet


Other free tools, templates, and resources (delivered weekly) that will help transform your habits, systems, and mindset to make achieving your biggest creative goals inevitable.

Let's go! - I Want to Go Bigger & Bolder

Jeff helped me with understanding what I really wanted out of my personal projects. He gave me many tools to break down my goals into actions and helped me implement those actions on my every day.

I feel like I've advanced more in a month than I've advanced in the last 2 years. I would recommend Jeff to anyone looking to break through and find ways to fulfill their full potential.

If you are thinking about it... Do it! You won't regret working with Jeff. 

— Enrique, Course Creator and Digital Marketing Consultant

Be More Creative. Be More Productive

Guaranteed Results

Whether it's by partnering with me as your 1-on-1 coach, joining my Creative Momentum Mastermind community of creators around the world, or engaging with one of my internationally acclaimed digital courses, you're guaranteed to elevate your game (and have fun doing it).

When you partner with me, you'll build new habits, systems, and mindsets that will help you:

Be More Creative. Be More Productive

Find Your Focus: Clarify Your Vision & Priorities.

Be More Creative. Be More Productive

Develop a Creative Momentum System to Make Achieving Your Biggest, Creative Goals Inevitable.

Be More Creative. Be More Productive

Develop Unshakeable Creative Confidence

Find Flow. Be More Creative. Be More Productive

Experience Flow More Deeply & Frequently.

Be More Creative. Be More Productive

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone.

Fight Burnout. Be More Creative. Be More Productive

Amplify Your Motivation & Fun

Be More Creative. Be More Productive

Take Your Ideas & Projects from Concept to Completion.

Finally Get Your Ideas Out of Your Head and Out Into The World.

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Experience Meaningful Momentum in 1 Month or your Money Back.

 Schedule a Free 20-Min Discovery Call to Learn More About What Program Is Best for You

Who I Work With

I have over 200 testimonials and success stories from entrepreneurs, creatives, and leaders pursuing big goals across a diverse set of fields:

  • Tech Startups
  • Marketing
  • Creative Direction & Graphic Design
  • Art
  • Software, Mobile App, and Web Development
  • Architecture
  • IT
  • Account Services
  • Freelance & Consulting
  • Film
  • Writing (Scripts, Novels, etc.)
  • Music
  • Video Production
  • Photography
  • Blogging & Online Content Creation
  • Academia
  • Medicine
  • Professional Speaking & Coaching

And I've worked with clients from every continent except Antarctica

(for some reason penguins are not interested in self-actualization and development).

What My Clients Experience

These are people who are pursuing big goals like starting or leading a business (and scaling it to higher levels of innovation & growth), writing + filming a feature film (and it winning a Sundance award), building an app or product (and getting accepted into Y Combinator or getting VC funding), writing a book (and hitting the Amazon bestseller list) or even exploring a meaningful side hustle or passion project. 

I've helped my clients achieve powerful transformations - and I will help you too:

"When I first started working with Jeff, I was a little skeptical that he would understand how to help me.

As a general manager of a multi-million dollar company, it seemed like I always had more creative ideas than time to implement them.

I felt overwhelmed and unfocused.

From our very first meeting, Jeff was able to help me get out of my own way and find my focus. But now after every call with Jeff, I have clarity on my next action steps.

I've been crushing my goals and feel more laser-focused than ever before.

If you feel like you have lots of creative ideas but aren't making any meaningful progress on them, I highly recommend you partner with Jeff!"

- Kevin, General Manager & Business Leader

“Never in my life have I felt as efficient as after starting to work with Jeff.

Being a freelancer and on a journey of launching my own business work life got a little overwhelming and hectic. Jeff helped me to create structure around my projects and that eased my anxiety.

I’ve never been this productive and efficient with my time before. It was a total game changer.

But that’s not all. As I go on working on my business so many questions and ideas come up along the way and I’m so grateful I can share them with Jeff who is not biased as a friend or a family member can be :) If you are a creative person, hiring Jeff will take you steps closer to achieving your goals.”

- Nadia, Entrepreneur & Fashion Consultant

“I initially signed up for coaching with Jeff during a transition period in my career, when I had to redefine my role inside my organization, identify my priorities, areas of focus, and how to have an impact during a phase of intense flux.

Jeff helped me a lot, bringing great clarity, perspective, and suggesting approaches or methods that helped me navigate this change.

Many of his suggestions are now part of my daily routine. We continued evolving the coaching relationship from there.

I feel Jeff can be a great partner for anyone in a leadership position, having to deal with culture change, innovation in organizations, and how to be effective during uncertain times."

- Gabriel, Marketing Executive & Managing Director

“I'm an actor, writer, and filmmaker.

There were many creative projects I knew I wanted to work on and skills I wanted to learn, but the sum of it all was often overwhelming to me.

It was so frustrating to feel unable to get myself to show up for what I felt like I wanted to do.

I was having a lot of trouble giving myself a coherent schedule to structure my day since my entire day is pretty much self-led.

Meeting Jeff has been a huge turning point for me. He's helped me to build structure into my life from scratch.

We worked together to test different experiments with my routine, and his regular accountability each day gave me a lot of comfort that we were figuring this out together

Since working with Jeff, I have completed the edit on a film, written several short stories, and most importantly built healthy, sustainable habits that structure my priorities on those previously intimidating unscheduled days.

- Dan, Actor, Writer, Filmmaker, and Voice-Over Professional

“I'm the co-founder of a software startup, and I decided to see if coaching could help me get better at setting and achieving my goals.

My experience has far exceeded expectations. Jeff is a gem.

He asks great questions. He is also great at helping me clarify my goals, and then hold me accountable to keeping them.

I can't recommend Jeff highly enough as a coach. I almost don't want to write this review for fear that he will get too popular, leaving less time to work with me."

- Gabe, Co-Founder & CEO of Medical Tech Startup

"In the last 3 months, I have gone from one of the lowest performers to the TOP producer on my team by a *wide margin*.

In fact, everyone on my team is asking what my "secret sauce" is and is picking my brain for advice now.

I'd say that is a 180-degree turnaround from where I was before working with Jeff!

I started working with Jeff to help reinvigorate my software sales career.

The top thing I enjoy about working with Jeff is that he asks high-quality questions that help you to create more "flow states" - which is essentially a peak performance state which is *crucial* for success in my sales role."

- David, Account Services @ SalesForce

“I am an app developer transitioning from working in a structured company environment in a different domain to becoming an entrepreneur and developing my own product.

I had been stuck and overwhelmed for many months before I met Jeff, and am thrilled at my progress after working with him!

Jeff helped me rethink my approach to the project to make it more methodical and flow-generating.

With his support, I learned how to break down any task into manageable goals and to devote my focus on productive work that gets me moving forward.

I worked with Jeff to come up with a daily routine and developed many small but significant habits that make me feel more organized and optimistic every day!"

- Raghu, App Developer and Product Entrepreneur

“Jeff is an amazing coach. I'm a journalist, psychologist, and amateur musician.

My goal was to make a personal website and set up a blog. I was stuck and paralyzed by all the decisions I had to make to get started.

Jeff guided me through the whole thing: my website and blog are now up and running, and I'm writing regularly like I wanted to.

Also, he helped me in getting back to playing guitar every day.

Jeff has the ability to ask the right questions to identify barriers and start a thinking process about how to overcome them.

I'm glad to have found Jeff because he really applied his knowledge about the psychology of creativity which is exactly what I needed. So I can recommend Jeff for anyone who wants to get closer to their goals and especially for anybody with creative challenges.”

- Roman, Journalist

Jeff Fajans - Denver Creative Leadership Coach

Ready to Get Unstuck & Build Unstoppable Momentum on Your Biggest, Creative Goals?

It's time to bring your big ideas to life.